Name of the device and its use . In the case of advertising to the public, the draft regulation on medical devices supplements these requirements with: indication of contraindications to the use of the device, if they concern the use of this device; information for the user or patient about the likely risks associated with using the device in accordance with its intended use; indication of the name of the manufacturer and the authorized representative, if appointed. At the same time, advertising a medical device to the public cannot : use the image of people practicing medical professions or impersonating such people or present people presenting the product in a way suggesting that they perform such a profession, contain a direct appeal to children to purchase the advertised products or to persuade their parents or other adults to buy the advertised products for them,
Concern products intended for use by u Rich People Phone Number List sers other than laypeople. The above restrictions have a significant impact on the need to adapt current advertising of medical devices to the currently applicable regulations. Until now, advertisements for medical products often featured people pretending to be doctors, pharmacists or physiotherapists. However, the legislator introduced a significant restriction in this respect, prohibiting the advertising of medical products by medical professionals.
A novelty introduced to the regulations rela Rich People Phone Number List ted to medical devices is their appropriate application in relation to the advertising of business or professional activities in which the device is used to provide services to the extent that this activity concerns services provided using a given medical device and to communicate to the public opinions by users of products, if they receive benefits from it. It is important to be aware that these regulations apply, among others, to: to influencer marketing, therefore influencers are obliged to adapt their publications regarding advertising medical devices to the applicable requirements, i.e. proper marking of advertisements, including by indicating the nature of cooperation and even indicating whether it is paid cooperation . Moreover, advertising of a medical device may only be carried out by a .