For more details, you can direct them to the sub-service. The number 8 is important here for high competition, it is not good to have too many links from a content. In particular, linking even to another search term of the keyword may cause the keyword you want to increase to decline and the content to weaken. Search engines may decide that other content is of higher quality or that content is their main purpose. Whatever you do, keep this in mind, don't overestimate SEO. Unfortunately, there are sites like yours that do SEO, how difficult can it be? You're not writing a search engine, So there is no need to panic. Your opponents may have made 100 illogical moves, but you can get ahead with just 10 logical moves.
All you have to do is make a difference. There is such a crazy person in front of you that my favorite jobs are the ones that are thought to be impossible. I usually take on the heaviest work in the SEO industry, it is very enjoyable. Because the Marketing List competitors are very tough, my friend, the more you fight against good competitors, the better you learn SEO. If you struggle with simple competitors, you'll just be a backlink-making lunatic. For example, you can start by removing people from your life who say backlinks are everything. Use nofollow tag for your unimportant pages, content and menus There may be many unnecessary pages on your site that are unknowingly open to indexing, such as your bank information.
The same situation can happen with your menus. If you want to see a small example, you will see a menu called "our services" in the top menus, click on it and examine the source code, you will see that it is nofollow. From where? Because we do not have such a page, it has not been created yet and this keyword does not contribute to us at all. In other words, there may be content or pages that you do not want to rank for, all you need to do is to close them from the index. Leave only the pages you want to market and promote in your menus. Stay away from overly complex menu structures, your menus may contain keywords, but containing keywords in all menus is a very artificial move.