We will never forget that sales course in which you had to invest dollars in perfumes and go out to sell them on the street, without the slightest preparation. If after 3 days you returned with everything sold, the company would return your investment twice. The trick? There was no customer prospecting and, to make the scam more obvious, the initial perfumes were sold by the same class . But, of course, most of their victims were young kids who didn't know anything about marketing or strategies. They felt challenged by having to go out on the street to look for clients with a random approach and try to sell to them at any price.
For them, the test was more about demonstrating innate business skills; for the company, to make them fail as soon as possible and receive the next group. Do you think these kids were naive? Well, your luck would not be different if you CU Leads continue to insist on selling left and right. And you better record this if you want your sale to generate real value for your business, customer prospecting must exist and be planned and aligned with your objectives. Do you want to know how it works and, better yet, how to do it in sales channel WhatsApp? We tell you! What is customer prospecting.
The central point of almost every sales strategy is potential customers, that is, people who have a high probability of joining your sales channels, becoming leads and showing interest in the products or services you sell. Therefore, customer prospecting makes an accumulation of efforts and marketing actions to attract these types of customers, increase sales and bring qualified leads to your business. In fact, customer prospecting is the basis of everything. Let's think about it this way, my specialized sports clothing business is interested in attracting athletes or professional sportsmen.