December is here and in the digital newspaper DiegoCoquillat we present you our last calendar of the year 2016 on marketing actions for restaurants . It has been a very productive period, which closes in the best way, since this is one of the busiest months for all hospitality businesses , regardless of whether you have a bar, a restaurant, a café or a nightclub.
Although it is true that this is a time of year that practically sells itself, we suggest some ideas that you can apply to your business to close the month with the best turnover of the year.
A month full of events that restaurants can take advantage of
December is a time of spending. People are busy WhatsApp Number Database buying gifts, preparing dinners and meals at home, and meeting up with friends, family and colleagues at restaurants. So, it's time to take advantage and try to get more visibility to increase sales.
A month full of events that restaurants can take advantage of.

Just like we did in November, we recommend that you continue to use all the channels at your disposal to advertise each action you carry out during this month: your menu options, the drink offers you want to apply to large groups who have chosen you for their company dinner , the discount for every certain number of drinks or by volume of tickets if you are a pub or nightclub, or opening on days when some businesses close such as Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year's Eve and New Year's Day.
Use your social media, website, paid ads on the Internet, offline media, email marketing campaigns, and everything that your time and budget allow to promote yourself. You know that if you don't communicate it, it's as if you didn't do it. It doesn't matter if you have a regular clientele around this time, if you advertise you always have the possibility of increasing the number of clients, and with them your turnover.
But don't stick to the same old thing. With a little imagination, you can do other activities that attract more people, whether they are culinary or other-related, but always related to Christmas.